Friday, September 5, 2014

Long wait for....

....This post! Hey guys! I'm losing track of the weeks here, and missed Three Word Wednesday for the last month or so; I'll be back to that soon. Let me tell you what's happened recently.

I'm at college right now. I moved in Monday, which means that classes started on Tuesday, and between living with my roommates, school work, and class/schedule changes, my life has been a little up in the air, to say the least. I will say that the teachers I have are all fairly nice, my class loads are going to take a bit to get used to (but nothing severe), and the campus is a nice place.

In this learning experience, I've learned more than I thought I would in week one alone--for starters, I don't like electric stoves. More seriously though, I've learned about what you need in an apartment (to even function), how much you need to communicate with your roommates and friends who has what classes and when, and how to manage time when the papers pile up. So far, this week has been a lesson in how to interact with people, rather than lessons in grammar, history, math, music, or science--that will come later, and I'm thankful that it will, because the social lessons are easier, I'm sure, when there is little going on.

I have three roommates here in the school apartments, and although it's nice to have someone to split rent with, and have people to talk with, I'm not sure I like it. I enjoyed my quiet and early to bed, early to rise life back at home; here, there is no such thing as a stable sleep schedule, little is quiet, and none of my roommates are morning people. The guys are good about giving me my space, though, so there is that. As to the other nuances of life here, I'm sure they'll straighten themselves out soon.

So this is what my life has been right now; a little hectic right now, but it should level off enough for a more steady and pleasant lifestyle coming ahead. Thanks for tuning in, and see you (with any luck) next week.

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