Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Quite times

Evening folks.

It's been a quiet one, tonight. Some weeks are long and packed with events, but this week has just been one short quiet one, like the calm before the storm. And a hectic storm it shall be; give my two week notice at work, take a day to help teach kids how to make panpipes out of fleeceflower (or Japanese knotweed), pay my 8k for semester one (yikes), gear up for college, plan a castles of New England trip, attend a family reunion, and track down my roommates and talk with them. Sounds like a fun one!

I should count myself lucky, though. I get a week of peace to drink my tea and play my music before the brunt of my responsibilities fall on me. The best part of this week is sitting around and researching bits and pieces of information to make my new persona's garb set. So far, it looks like the early 14th century would be nice to play off from, seeing as most of the pieces are from around that time,but the only thing that may be off would be the use of a citole.

A grandfather of the guitar, the citole is a four through six stringed, fretted instrument, played from the 11th century through to the 15th century (or so I am led to believe), with many different variations and materials used in the construction of the instrument. I'm hoping to get something with five strings, and a longer neck (as most are less than 12 frets); somewhere in the range of 16 to 20 frets, and a modest body size to match. Some might wonder why I wouldn't use a guitar instead, and call it close enough. For me, I want to have a citole either way, and in this case, it wouldn't hurt to try and make/search for one. The issue comes in with my preferences being closer to the 15th century model of the citole, rather than the 14th century (of which is still the short necked four stringed thing). This might go unnoticed by the average person, but to me, it means a lot to be as close as possible, without going overboard. I am not the glistening star of the SCA in attendance, but I try to make up for that with accuracy. I try not to be farce with my (poor) accenting and actions to depict the times, but I might do so from time to time. Either which way, I enjoy it, so whether it comes across as a farce or not, it really doesn't matter

What does right now is getting some sleep and plotting out my next few moves carefully. Next week will not be smooth, but I think if given enough time to process it, everything might work. Either that, or I push it off until the last minute and then let fate and luck take the wheel while I roll with it. That sounds like a plan, right?

Goodnight everybody. Enjoy the evening, and the stars (if you can see them where you are).

1 comment:

  1. Quiet weeks often preceded or come after busy ones...i hope your plans work out..and thanks for the stars...
