Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Running about (Eventfully!)

Well this last week was a little underwhelming.

Actually that's not entirely true, there were plenty of exciting things, it's just that I didn't have a camera to take pictures, or the will to write about them at the time. Now that it's been a week, I think I've gathered everything up to share.

First Eventful thing to happen was last week Sunday. Tasha and I helped out at the NH Farm Museum (I'm there every Sunday either way) finding out what was in their raised beds. For the most part, it was a nightmare, fraught with weeds and chickens hiding in the soft dirt. That took a good two or so hours out of the day, and, as it turns out, gave Tasha a mild case of sun stroke.
Not fun.

Instead of trapping her at my house, it was decided that getting her home was priority. Driving her home in her car (with my brother close behind), we were pulled over. About two minutes after we started. Awesome!
It turns out that our rear tail lights were not lit, so we got a warning, and a tap on the shoulder from the universe. We went a couple of miles before we stopped and checked the lights, the caveman style. I smacked the tail lights a couple of times, and boom, lights are back! However nice it was to get the lights back up, we decided to camp out at my house again, because something felt off with that pull over.
That was the first event. The rest get better from here, I promise.

The next event was on Wednesday. I had invited a friend to go bowling with me, he picked the place. He chose Exeter Bowling Lanes, in Exeter NH. That was a little ways off the beating trail for me, but then again, most things are when you live in the backwoods. An hour and ten minutes after work, I got to the place, which was off on a residential side road, if you would believe it. No wonder I got lost!
It was great to see him again, and his wife (for the first time). we laughed and were most insensitive together while we played our four or five rounds (I didn't even keep track of that). He is the better of the three of us, running nothing lower than a seven on average. She's close behind with nothing lower than a six or five. Me? My average is three or four! I honorably took my place at dead last and let them duke it out for first. All and all, it was a great night, plus it was only about $38 for three people to bowl for an hour on a lane and get a pizza to share. A good time indeed!
The ride home is another story, though. I had to park under a highway overpass when the rain outside got to be too blinding for me to carry on (people going 15 to 20 mph on the highway). Immensely powerful storm, though thankfully short lived. After that passed by overhead I was racing back home in a timely manor, so I could get up in the morning(still got there around 11:45). I am not a nocturnal person in the least, so the drive home was rough, which made the getting up in the morning brutal. Fortunately, cats are great motivators...

The third event of the week was antique hunting in Northwoods with Tasha. We only made it through one of the antique places, but that was because it was huge. Three stories of the stuff, and more there than you could see in a week. We were having fun just cruising around, looking at all of the things that we played with as kids that were in the display cases and finally worth their weight. We aren't all that old, despite knowing and having used most of the things there; Tasha played with antique toys at her grandmother's house when she was a kid, and I work at a museum. Between the two of us, we knew plenty of the items, and were amazed that these things were still around.
I decided that it would also be worth my time to pick something small up, to show some patronage to the place, so I found a sort of letter opener. It's too short a blade to open letter, it's copper coated steel, and it's razor sharp (still). No idea what it was used for, but I took a fancy to it, and it was something that I knew I'd use. And like that, It was used the very next day.

On second though, this week was anything but underwhelming. It was pretty good. Really good, actually. I hope to have another one like it this week.

That's all I've got to share thus far. I hope you've all had an eventful week as well.



  1. Sounds like a pretty good week! Made me smile as I live near an Exeter..but in a different continent..

  2. Does sound like a good week. It is amazing how we can feel hard done by until we actually reflect on what we have done and realise how wonderful life is (despite my rather depressing post for this week).

  3. The bowling and pizza sounded great and enjoyable. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
