Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My First Drive In

While my summer vacation from school started in the middle of May, I haven't really been able to experience it because I work full time. These past few days, however, I felt like I was able to get some well needed relaxation time and do things that most people do in the summer time.

One of the things I did was go to my first ever drive in movie. Andrew told me many times about when he and his family went to the drive in and I was jealous. It was something that I had always wanted to do and had been trying to go for the last few summers. Finally, however, I was able to go.

Whenever I think of the drive in, I always think of this scene from Grease:

What I was expecting was something like this, the park off to the side, the radios next to where the cars were parked, and people running around during the movie. When we pulled up it was not unlike what I was expecting, but it was also different. Cars parked whenever they wanted and you had to bring your own radio. The place itself was very open and laid back and had almost a run down tone to it. While it looked a little funky at first, I had really no problem with it when we drove in.

There were people barbecuing in the back of their trucks, playing frisbee on the side of the park, it felt like I had stepped back in time to the 60's, when life was a little simpler and more wholesome. One thing I noticed was there was almost no one on their phone.

Before the show, we walked around a bit but soon came back as it was getting dark. The movie itself was mediocre but that wasn't really the point.

The point was the experience and I enjoyed it.

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