Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Spring is coming!

Remember this picture?

My window a month ago. ugh.
 Well, as it happens, spring is on it's way. Those dark and dismal days of continual snowfall are over (maybe).  I'm glad to say that spring is coming, but there is a catch with that. As spring rolls in, so do the endless projects and baffling tests. Oh the tests!

For now, though, I'll be celebrating in my giddy homemade clothes projects, just as the college lets out for an all too brief break. Needless to say, it's very welcome this time of year; having a couple days reprieve to the maddening projects that seem to stack up from out of nowhere. These things happen, I suppose.

At least these things happen while the weather gets warmer and the daylight hours grow longer. soon enough, this snow will be gone, and free running in the woods will be again in season (I can hardly wait for that). For the past few days we've been well above freezing up here--it's been so nice, I've seen people walking in tee-shirts and shorts! Though in truth, these may be the people who were wearing tee-shirts and shorts all winter long anyways. Hmm. Either way, it's a hopeful time up here.

My window now
And with that hope, comes renewed efforts to accomplish those long standing projects. As I had said above, my giddy projects are at hand! First up, a simple pair of pants. After that, shoes, and then rest of the wardrobe. It's been a goal of mine to wear or use what I make, and so I will do my best to make that a reality. With nine yards of good linen, a good roll of leather, all the tools necessary, and (finally) some time to work with, the pants and shoes may yet get done. Huzzah!

With that, my update from college is about finished. Nothing extraordinary going on up here, no parties, no lewd comments to throw at anyone--Just a sunny morning, a warm cup of tea, and a good Wednesday.

How is your day going, out there?



  1. Nice perspective on spring days! Enjoy warmth :)

  2. wow amazing ingenuity to make your own things. Enjoy spring

  3. "For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven". However it still looks like winter to me with all that snow still piled up. I'd give it another week!

  4. Spring is well and truly here! An excellent write.

  5. What a wonderful glimpse of your day and where you are - i think all those little details are fascinating...
